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Dec 20, 2024 8:31 AM
White left the game, Black is victorious
Schicht (1619)
5 + 8
[Event "Casual game"] [Site "/vsk74hmd"] [Date "2024-12-20"] [White "Anonymous"] [Black "Schicht"] [Result "0-1"] [WhiteElo "?"] [BlackElo "1619"] [PlyCount "160"] [Variant "standard"] 1. e4 e5 2. Bc4 Qh4 3. d3 Bc5 4. Qf3 Qf6 5. a3 Nc6 6. Be3 Nd4 7. Bxd4 Bxd4 8. c3 Bb6 9. Nd2 d6 10. h3 a6 11. Ne2 Ne7 12. Ng3 Qxf3 13. Nxf3 g6 14. Ng5 f6 15. Nf3 Nc6 16. b4 Bd7 17. a4 Ne7 18. a5 Ba7 19. Ke2 c6 20. d4 Bb8 21. Rhd1 d5 22. exd5 cxd5 23. Bd3 e4 24. Bxe4 dxe4 25. Nxe4 Bb5+ 26. Ke1 Kf7 27. Nc5 Bc6 28. Kf1 Bd6 29. Nd2 Nd5 30. Rac1 Nf4 31. Nde4 Bxe4 32. Nxe4 Bc7 33. f3 Rad8 34. h4 h6 35. g3 Nd5 36. Kf2 f5 37. Nc5 b6 38. axb6 Bxb6 39. Nxa6 Rhe8 40. Rd3 Ra8 41. b5 Nc7 42. Nb4 Nxb5 43. Rc2 Rec8 44. Kg2 Ba5 45. Nd5 Rd8 46. c4 Nc7 47. Nf4 g5 48. hxg5 hxg5 49. Ne2 Ne6 50. d5 Nc5 51. Rd1 Bc7 52. Nd4 Kf6 53. Nc6 Rd6 54. Nd4 Ra3 55. Nb5 Rd3 56. Rxd3 Nxd3 57. Nxc7 Ne1+ 58. Kf2 Nxc2 59. Nb5 Rd7 60. Ke2 Ke5 61. Kd3 Nb4+ 62. Kc3 Nxd5+ 63. cxd5 Rxd5 64. Kc4 Rd1 65. Nc3 Rf1 66. f4+ gxf4 67. gxf4+ Kxf4 68. Ne2+ Ke3 69. Ng3 Rf3 70. Nh5 Rh3 71. Nf6 f4 72. Nd5+ Ke4 73. Nf6+ Kf5 74. Nd5 f3 75. Kd3 Ke5 76. Ne7 Kf4 77. Nd5+ Kg3 78. Ke3 f2 79. Ke2 Rh1 80. Ne3 Re1+ 0-1
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