dampfrohr33 (1209)
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Jan 12, 2020 7:08 PM
Black left the game
White is victorious
Time control: 5 minutes/side + 8 seconds/move
This game is rated
>> Replay and analyse
White | coolman69 (1186) (+52) |
Black | dampfrohr33 (1260) (-51) |
Time control: 5 minutes/side + 8 seconds/move
This game is rated
>> Replay and analyse
Jan 12, 2020 5:28 PM
White left the game
Black is victorious
Time control: 5 minutes/side + 8 seconds/move
This game is rated
>> Replay and analyse
Black | HaveAgoodDay (1083) (+50) |
White | dampfrohr33 (1289) (-69) |
Time control: 5 minutes/side + 8 seconds/move
This game is rated
>> Replay and analyse