JO-2023 (1213)
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May 1, 2023 12:01 PM
Time control: 15 minutes/side + 30 seconds/move
This game is rated
>> Replay and analyse
Black | Salzburgerin2 (1259) (-6) |
White | JO-2023 (1115) (+17) |
Time control: 15 minutes/side + 30 seconds/move
This game is rated
>> Replay and analyse
Apr 30, 2023 1:09 PM
Time control: 15 minutes/side + 30 seconds/move
This game is rated
>> Replay and analyse
Black | TryMeB1tch (1144) (+5) |
White | JO-2023 (1249) (-14) |
Time control: 15 minutes/side + 30 seconds/move
This game is rated
>> Replay and analyse