Attila (1722)
3272 / 217,799
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Jun 28, 2018 8:25 PM
Time control: 8 minutes/side + 1 seconds/move
This game is rated
>> Replay and analyse
White | Wage (1499) (+8) |
Black | Attila (1704) (-8) |
Time control: 8 minutes/side + 1 seconds/move
This game is rated
>> Replay and analyse
May 9, 2018 7:43 AM
Time control: 5 minutes/side + 5 seconds/move
This game is rated
>> Replay and analyse
Black | Sarol (1677) (+2) |
White | Attila (1719) (-2) |
Time control: 5 minutes/side + 5 seconds/move
This game is rated
>> Replay and analyse
May 9, 2018 7:37 AM
Time control: 5 minutes/side + 5 seconds/move
This game is rated
>> Replay and analyse
White | Sarol (1675) (+2) |
Black | Attila (1721) (-2) |
Time control: 5 minutes/side + 5 seconds/move
This game is rated
>> Replay and analyse