Chess-Online Games Tournament Players Info
0 players

rol64 (1922)

632 / 205,793
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342 wins, 65 losses, 6 draws, 0 AI

Tournament points: 0
Sep 12, 2023 6:47 PM - Black left the game , White is victorious

Black tazeg (1334) (-1)Icon2
White rol64 (2016) (+1)Icon3

Time control: 3 minutes/side + 0 seconds/move

This game is rated

>> Replay and analyse
Sep 12, 2023 4:48 PM - White resigned , Black is victorious

White Porthos1844 (1692) (-4)Icon3
Black rol64 (2012) (+4)Icon3

Time control: 2 minutes/side + 0 seconds/move

This game is rated

>> Replay and analyse
Sep 12, 2023 4:40 PM - Black resigned , White is victorious

Black hazni303 (1393) (-1)Icon2
White rol64 (2011) (+1)Icon3

Time control: 4 minutes/side + 4 seconds/move

This game is rated

>> Replay and analyse
Sep 12, 2023 4:33 PM - White resigned , Black is victorious

White Piety (1412) (-1)Icon2
Black rol64 (2010) (+1)Icon3

Time control: 2 minutes/side + 0 seconds/move

This game is rated

>> Replay and analyse
Sep 11, 2023 9:14 PM - Time out , White is victorious

Black Yocolahaha (1399) (-1)Icon2
White rol64 (2009) (+1)Icon3

Time control: 4 minutes/side + 0 seconds/move

This game is rated

>> Replay and analyse
Sep 11, 2023 9:11 PM - Checkmate , Black is victorious

White solibrik (1400) (-1)Icon2
Black rol64 (2008) (+1)Icon3

Time control: 2 minutes/side + 0 seconds/move

This game is rated

>> Replay and analyse
Sep 11, 2023 9:05 PM - White resigned , Black is victorious

White cesare (1430) (-1)Icon2
Black rol64 (2007) (+1)Icon3

Time control: 3 minutes/side + 0 seconds/move

This game is rated

>> Replay and analyse
Sep 10, 2023 8:02 PM - Black resigned , White is victorious

Black schmucki66 (1372) (-1)Icon2
White rol64 (2006) (+1)Icon3

Time control: 6 minutes/side + 1 seconds/move

This game is rated

>> Replay and analyse