Chess-Online Games Tournament Players Info
0 players

Liliocko (1258)

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55 wins, 75 losses, 7 draws, 0 AI

Tournament points: 0
Feb 2, 2022 10:15 AM - Time out , Black is victorious

White Nullo (1253) (-18)Icon1
Black Liliocko (1212) (+18)Icon1

Time control: 5 minutes/side + 1 seconds/move

This game is rated

>> Replay and analyse
Feb 1, 2022 3:59 PM - White left the game , Black is victorious

Black SilviaMira (1313) (+12)Icon2
White Liliocko (1238) (-12)Icon1

Time control: 10 minutes/side + 0 seconds/move

This game is rated

>> Replay and analyse
Feb 1, 2022 3:53 PM - Black left the game , White is victorious

White Easychesser (1283) (+14)Icon1
Black Liliocko (1239) (-14)Icon1

Time control: 5 minutes/side + 0 seconds/move

This game is rated

>> Replay and analyse
Feb 1, 2022 3:42 PM - White left the game , Black is victorious

Black rosedaisy (1812) (+1)Icon3
White Liliocko (1239) (-1)Icon1

Time control: 12 minutes/side + 5 seconds/move

This game is rated

>> Replay and analyse
Feb 1, 2022 3:23 PM - Checkmate , Black is victorious

Black RW2020 (1413) (+9)Icon2
White Liliocko (1248) (-9)Icon1

Time control: 7 minutes/side + 5 seconds/move

This game is rated

>> Replay and analyse
Jan 30, 2022 1:08 PM - Time out , White is victorious

White Patzertom (1799) (+1)Icon3
Black Liliocko (1266) (-1)Icon1

Time control: 5 minutes/side + 0 seconds/move

This game is rated

>> Replay and analyse
Jan 30, 2022 12:53 PM - Time out , White is victorious

White Moritz01 (1236) (+17)
Black Liliocko (1266) (-17)Icon1

Time control: 9 minutes/side + 3 seconds/move

This game is rated

>> Replay and analyse
Jan 30, 2022 12:46 PM - Checkmate , Black is victorious

Black VsoYskEy (1203) (+20)Icon1
White Liliocko (1286) (-20)Icon1

Time control: 5 minutes/side + 8 seconds/move

This game is rated

>> Replay and analyse