FarhadPournavid (2271)
26 / 217,484
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May 21, 2023 7:51 PM
Time out
Black is victorious
Time control: 4 minutes/side + 7 seconds/move
This game is rated
>> Replay and analyse
Black | LINUS290216 (1772) (+23) |
White | FarhadPournavid (1936) (-23) |
Time control: 4 minutes/side + 7 seconds/move
This game is rated
>> Replay and analyse
May 18, 2023 9:21 PM
Black resigned
White is victorious
Time control: 12 minutes/side + 2 seconds/move
This game is rated
>> Replay and analyse
Black | Askad (1404) (-3) |
White | FarhadPournavid (1810) (+3) |
Time control: 12 minutes/side + 2 seconds/move
This game is rated
>> Replay and analyse